Nice! But how do I add search to my web site

Wow! What a response to IBM and Yahoo's search announcement last month. There have been over 10,000 downloads of the free enterprise search offering, all within two weeks - and that was over the holidays to boot. You may have already downloaded the IBM OmniFind Yahoo Edition and discovered how easy it is to setup an index and start searching. But perhaps you are beyond that point and are now investigating how to integrate OmniFind's search functionality into your web site.
I have published an article titled "Add IBM OmniFind Yahoo Edition to your Web Site" that describes several approaches to accomplishing this. Check it might find the information useful.
On a separate note, my next post will be a review of the Lotusphere Conference to be held in Orlando, Florida (1/21-25). In addition to being held in sunny Florida during the winter, this is an exciting conference that exhibits the latest in collaboration software by Lotus. If you are one of the 10,000 attendees, do look me up. I will be there presenting a session on enterprise search.
I found your write up on helpful, but would like to understand more about results returned as HTML snippets. How can I incorporate the returned snippet into a complete html page... say, a page with my own header, a search box and page controls. Is there an easy way to do this?
1:39 PM
One way to do this is to develop your own web page as you say with your own header, search box, and page controls. redirect the HTML snippet of results to a frame within your page. Frames are becoming obsolete so you may want to use tiles. But in either case the better way is to use XSLT described at the end of my article. This way you have complete control over the HTML generated and dont need to use frames or tiles at all. Just a thought
1:45 PM
Interesting to know.
9:16 AM
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