Drinking From the Fire Hose
So you issue a search and the search engine tells you that there

Rather than just show a single list of results and the total results

Mike Moran, a colleague of mine from IBM, points out that multifaceted search is quite different from the typical "advanced search" where users are prompted to choose their criteria up front—they ask for a digital camera with 10x optical zoom for under $1000 and get the dreaded, "No results found." When they have specified more than two criteria, they don't even know which one to back off to get some results. With multifaceted search, they just pick their facets in the order of their importance to them. Invalid combinations are never shown.
So multifaceted search seeded by my original query gives me a window into what lies ahead in my result list. It has proven to be extremely effective in e-commerce applications to assist shoppers in the discovery of specific products. IBM’s OmniFind Discovery Edition is one such product that leverages multifaceted search for this purpose. The OmniFind Discovery Edition is designed to be deployed for online commerce, self service portals, and call center scenarios via a suite of tailored configurations and prepackaged industry solutions. Discovery Edition can easily extract facets from existing metadata stored in a relational database (e.g., product catalog) or from document content using advanced text analytics. Business rules expressed in natural language can be easily defined to determine when particular facets are revealed and in what context. The end result is a much richer search experience for your users, one the helps them find what they are looking for in less time.
P.S. I'm not sure what motivated my son to use the garden hose that way :-)
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